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Sports Ministry

It is our intention to give God all the glory in this basketball and volleyball ministry. We desire to foster an understanding and faith in God and his son Jesus Christ, while coaching players on fundamentals and providing friendly competition.

Our hope is to reinforce the love of Jesus Christ in those who know Him and introduce Him to those who do not. We will lift up the players and encourage them towards these goals. It is also our intention that our coaches, players and parents honor Christ in humility and self-control as representatives of Covenant Presbyterian Church to others within the Christ 4 Hoops church league.

With this in mind, we:

Strive to honor God and glorify Him through this ministry
Positively reinforce the self-confidence of each player
Encourage respect for teammates, referees, coaches, other teams, and fans
Develop teamwork reflective in players encouraging one another
Teach players to listen and obey
Use God’s gifted talents in practice and games
Develop individual skills and apply to team
